How Safe is the Dental Implants Procedure?

Dental implants in Manhattan, New York

Dental implant surgery, like any procedure, comes with inherent risks. Dentists have been surgically placing dental implants for several decades now, and the technology has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Today’s dental implants are very sophisticated prosthetic teeth designed and placed by highly trained professionals like Dr. Jocelyn Tan, a skilled dentist working in Manhattan, NY. Learn why dental implants are widely considered one of the strongest and most reliable methods of replacing missing teeth.

Benefits Of Dental Implants

Dental implants refresh and restore the appearance and function of your smile by replacing missing, damaged, or infected teeth. This allows patients that have received implants to once again eat, speak and smile with confidence and in comfort.

Implants are built to last with a titanium screw as their root and can last decades with only minimal adjustments or none at all. And because dental implants are embedded directly into the jawbone, implants stimulate new, healthy bone growth, preventing bone loss which can lead to a shrinking mouth or shifting teeth.

Risks Of Dental Implants

As with any surgery, there is risk of possible complications that could occur although problems with a dental implant are rare, usually minor and easily repaired.  Risks include:

  • Infection of the site
  • Damage to teeth, blood vessels, or nerves in the surgical area
  • Implant rejection
  • Sinus problems
  • Material of replacement tooth and potential allergies (usually made of titanium or zirconia)

Working with an experienced and professional dentist like Dr. Tan reduces your risk of issues with your implant procedure.

Preparing for Implants

Some potential implant patients may have suffered bone loss in the jaw along with whatever damage cost them their natural teeth. This means that bone graft surgeries may be necessary to rebuild the structure. These are additional surgeries before your implant placement that involve harvesting healthy bone from other areas of the body and using it to reinforce the patient’s jaw at the site where the tooth is missing. 

Here, the transplanted tissue will eventually fuse to the existing bone, strengthening the jaw enough to support a dental implant. As these are additional surgical procedures they come with their own risks and complications such as infection, more discomfort and longer recuperation time.

The Success Rate Of Dental Implants

Today’s dental implants generally have a success rate of about 95%, meaning only 5% of patients were dissatisfied or had problems with their implant. Although this rate varies depending on the patient, the dentist, the number of implants needed, the methods used, and other factors, it supports the fact that dental implants are a very effective way to restore your smile. Titanium implants — which are the industry standard — can last up to 20 years or longer, while zirconium implants — which are a newer and more expensive option — can last even longer.

Dental Implants in Manhattan, NY

If you have lost teeth or have damaged teeth that cannot be saved, dental implants may be the right option for you to restore your smile. For patients in midtown New York City/the Manhattan area, please call 212.235.1769 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tan to see if dental implants can help you have the smile you want!

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